
4 Tips to Avoid Jet Lag

Settling into a new time zone can bring a new level of stress when travelling for business

Flying across multiple time zones can make it harder for your body to adjust, as it causes a mismatch between your daily rhythms and the normal day-night cycle.

Following these 4 tips can help prevent or shorten the effects of jet lag:

1) Adjust your sleep schedule

In the days leading up to your trip, you should begin adjusting your sleep schedule by a couple of hours each day based on the destination’s time zone. The closer you can get yourself to the new time zone before you travel, the better you will feel upon arrival. You will be less likely to run into fatigue within your first couple of days and should be able to jump into work with a fresh mind very quickly. 

2) Limit naps upon arrival

As tiring and stressful as travel can be, and as nice as it may seem to jump into bed once you have checked in, it could do more damage than good if it is not already nighttime at your destination. Napping can cause problems for your circadian rhythm, meaning it will be harder for your body to understand what time it is if you take a little siesta during the day.

3) Stay Active                            

When you arrive, try to get out in the fresh air so your body can begin to adjust to the new time zone. If you land and it is mid-day, keeping active will help you get into a new routine and can burn off some extra energy from your day of travel. It will also help with any grogginess which may have kicked in while on your flight. If it is daytime at your destination, try to not sleep on the plane. Instead get up and move around so your body doesn’t feel so sluggish when you arrive.

4) Adjust your eating habits

Flying can be a tricky situation to meal prep around. If you are on an early flight, the food provided will usually be breakfast orientated. However, your new time zone may already be on lunch or dinner. Try to plan your food around your destination’s mealtimes on the day of travel, so your body can begin adjusting to local eating times. The same goes with drinks. Being on a plane can be very dehydrating, so indulging in alcohol or caffeinated drinks will only worsen these effects.